Room 5.5, University of Coimbra Center for Mathematics

Gonçalo Oliveira

Gonçalo Oliveira, Instituto Superior Técnico
Special Lagrangians and mean curvature flow on Gibbons-Hawking manifolds

Mirror symmetry is a somewhat mysterious phenomenon that relates the geometry of two distinct Calabi-Yau manifolds. In the realm of trying to understand this relationship several conjectures on the existence of so-called special Lagrangian submanifolds appeared. In this talk, I will report on joint work with Jason Lotay on which we prove versions of the Thomas and Thomas-Yau conjectures regarding the existence of these special Lagrangian submanifolds and the role of Lagrangian mean curvature flow as a way to find them. I will also report on some more recent work towards proving more recent conjectures due to Joyce.